The Adventures of Anne: a semi-retired bookkeeper, mother of 4, grandmother of several, recently widowed

Friday, October 31, 2008

New car

Today I parted company with the 96 Olds and became the proud owner of an 04 Honda!!!!!
I only drove the Olds for 12 years, but it was a good car and gave us (Dad and I) good service all those years. I just hope the person who bought it has many miles of safe and happy driving. Tomorrow I will work on putting on the vanity plates which I transferred from the old car. Dad would be so happy to see all this happening.

Had a busy week, mostly doing volunteer work. Hospital Volunteers had their annual dinner on Monday night at the Capri. Well attended and a delicious meal. Short meeting, which I did not mind, and installation of new officers.

Tuesday was bowling night. We won 5 of 7 points and moved ahead of our opponents by doing so. One good game and two mediocre ones.

Wednesday was volunteer day at the Care Center. Fr. Bruce was not there to say Mass, so we had Rosary and Communion, which I had the privilege of leading. Fr. had to attend the funeral at O'Connor Center for one of the diocesan priests. RIP

Thursday is usual shopping day. After that my day was spent finishing up the project for Sugar Plum Fair (6 jewelry bags) and shortening 3 pair of trousers for a client of mine. Enjoyed the Graffe String Quartet concert in Watertown Thursday night with Marlo and Lois. (Part of the Community Concert Series--bonus concert in another city which honors our Beaver Dam membership)

Today was non-stop everything. Haircut, volunteer work at Hospital, travel to BD to transfer car ownerships, volunteer work at Care Center, and a dinner at the home of Donna, who took care of Dad when I needed to get out to bowling or bridge or lunch. Donna has been under the weather all summer, and I just learned about it on Monday night. I called to make arrangements, so I picked up fish dinner at Culver's and took it to her home. We had a great gabfest catching up. Usually we meet at the Capri, but since she is weak and uses as walker, I thought taking a meal to her would be best. It was. We both had a good time.

Now I am at it again. No comments on my last posting so I wonder if anyone is reading my posts. If not, I suppose it will just go down as another entry into my diary of life.


Friday, October 10, 2008

Home again - Vacation over for now

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to blogging. Have been away for more than a month just taking things easy and relaxing in NC and SC. Had a great time with the three little redheads in NC. They have grown quite a bit since my visit in the Spring. I know they did not want me to leave, but I told them I would come back sometime soon again.

The weather in WI has been absolutely beautiful the past two weeks, except for a day of rain which we really needed. The trees are showing their beauty. Took a couple pictures today to finish off my roll of film. Also found that Sharrows can now make prints from my digital card. I have a few that I want to copy for friends.

Our Church is having its big money maker in a couple weeks. I have offered to make some jewelry bags (you have one, Ruth Anne) and the chairperson liked that idea since they are planning to have some jewelry there. Today I cut out and got started on three of them. I will get more material in BD on my next visit. These are red satin with white drawstrings. Sharp.

Bowling again, now that I am back from vacation. Did a fair job on Tuesday, my first night since April. Three games 145, 146, 149. Last season I ended up with a 149 average for the year. I guess I still have the knack. Tomorrow I plan to bowl in the Senior Tournament in Oshkosh. Six games--doubles and singles only. Usually a fun day with the "older gals" Must be 50 to enter. I qualify in that regard.

Will not bore you with any more details tonight. Good to get back to this. Will try to be more regular with my blogging.

Ta Ta for now.