The Adventures of Anne: a semi-retired bookkeeper, mother of 4, grandmother of several, recently widowed

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Advent - Christmas Preparation

The time is nearing when we will celebrate Christmas and there is always much to do about the house in preparation. Today was no exception. I started out by making a batch of pumpkin bread (Bob's favorite recipe) after breakfast and enjoyed the aroma while I continued with the task of getting Christmas cards and letters ready for mailing. Peggy helped me with the letter and showed me how to prepare the labels for mailing. With this new computer, there are a few different things that I need to learn before I really become literate. Anyway, they are all ready for mailing when I leave for work in the morning. I also wrapped some gifts which I plan to take with me so that they will be where they need to be on Christmas. Mary will help deliver them. I still have one or two more little packages to get ready for mailing, but that will wait until tomorrow while I watch the football game.

I made lists of things I want to do and get done before I make tracks for California, so I still have two more batches of pumpkin bread to make. (I usually give a loaf to all my neighbors.) After these are finished, I can rest knowing I have done what I planned to do and sleep tight. It is a great feeling to know I can still work all day and get things done. I was beginning to feel that I was slowing down quite a bit.

Have a very blessed Christmas and a peaceful New Year.


Blogger Peggy Gero DaValt said...

Sounds like you got a ton of stuff done, Mom!!

I don't think you have slowed down that much at all. In fact, I think I get my "busy-ness" factor from you.

I think you might be confusing it with you're not getting the things done that everyone else wants you to do....*grin*

Take it one day at a time and that's all you can do.

I'm sure you'll have a great time in California. At least you won't have to deal with the snow and ice here.

Peggy :)

12/10/2007 10:19:00 AM

Blogger Ruth Anne Adams said...

Actually, Mom, for your advanced years [which won't look so advanced should I be fortunate enough to live that long], I think you take to the challenge of the digital age pretty well. Case in point: well into your 70s, you began to blog.

12/12/2007 01:40:00 PM

Blogger Peggy Gero DaValt said...

Mom also successfully did a mini-database for her Christmas cards and she printed out all her own Christmas letters.

She's amazing!!

I concur with you, Kins....if I'm that good when I'm her age.....I also say that when I think of Nana, too.

Blog on everyone!!

12/15/2007 10:20:00 AM

Blogger Ruth Anne Adams said...

Time to do a New Year's post.

1/14/2008 11:49:00 PM


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