The Adventures of Anne: a semi-retired bookkeeper, mother of 4, grandmother of several, recently widowed

Monday, September 10, 2007

Back Home again - Sept. 10, 2007

It has been a while, hasn't it? Travel has taken me to Manistique for a quick trip and then to NC for three weeks. The girls, Annie and Mary Jo, turned four while I was with them and their mother put on quite a nice little party for them, her two little princesses. They called yesterday wanting to know where Grandma was. She did not come up each morning for breakfast, as they had gotten used to while I was visiting. It was a restful time for me as it was ever so hot to venture outdoors during the day. DG for the AC at Ruth Anne and David's home. The children were even happy to stay indoors with me. We had a great time.

Listed some projects that I want to accomplish in this time at home. I did the first--defrosted the freezer so I can part company with it in the near future. It will be picked up on Sept. 27, if all goes according to schedule.

The major project was to go through 3 weeks worth of mail when I got home. Most of it went into the circular file, but I still had to go through it all anyway.

Bowling started last week and I missed the opening night. Plan to be there this week, though. I just hope I can hold up my end of the team.

Attended a 50th Anniversary open house yesterday for Dorothy and Floyd Hasey. There must have been over 200 people there in the hour I was there, and they were still in line to greet the couple and more coming in as I left. Their three sons were there and visited with Jim and Ryan. Tim was off at the other end of the room. The party was held at Bobby G's. the place where I bowl, and it also has a banquet room. Very nice buffet was open for all to enjoy. Saw many neighbors there. When you live all your life in one community, you do get to know lots of people. Dorothy also is an organist for three churches in this area, so there were many friends from this group. Floyd farmed on the family farm for many years. Bob called on him when he was associated with Tracy Farms and Agro-Culture Liquid Fertilizers. Had a good time.

Ta Ta for now.



Blogger Peggy Gero DaValt said...

Wow...the freezer is an icon, Mom. I still say you shoulda sold it on eBay. It's probably as old as Paul.

I work with Ryan Hasey's wife, Lisa. I think she's a sister to someone that Ruth liked eons ago in high school.

Totally a small world.....and it only closes in on us always.

Welcome home....Nomad.

Peggy :)

9/13/2007 12:43:00 PM

Blogger Peggy Gero DaValt said...

Time to post again....

Blog, blog, get off the log. Now I know where Mary gets it from.

Peggy :)

10/08/2007 09:18:00 AM


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