The Adventures of Anne: a semi-retired bookkeeper, mother of 4, grandmother of several, recently widowed

Friday, May 04, 2007

May 4, 20007

I COULD NOT LET THIS DAY PASS WITHOUT telling about the wonderful birthday we celebrated last year at Myrtle Beach. Bob turned 77 , we walked on the beach, I took pictures of him, we had dinner, and he had his special chocolate cake with chocolate icing and two "7" candles. The cake was half eaten when I took pictures of him enjoing his favorite dessert, so I ducked down to show the uneaten part of the cake. We laughed about that picture many times and remembered what a wonderful time we had at the beach. I missed him there this year, but said some special prayers for him. He was such a wonderful person. I miss his terribly.


Blogger Peggy Gero DaValt said...

Hey Mom -

I think we all miss him. Ruth, Mary and I all blogged about his b-day. Not sure you caught all the posts or not.

Chocolate always was his fave!!

Even if it gave him the he-b-g-bees.

Peggy :)

5/07/2007 03:02:00 PM

Blogger Peggy Gero DaValt said...

Or was that the collywobbles....*lol*

Peggy :-)

Sometimes, I'm not sure where you came up with some of those words....but I guess they STUCK in my brain....*grin*

5/07/2007 03:03:00 PM

Blogger AnneGero said...

i did see all the blogs and had a call from Paul. It was a good feeling to know how much you all loved your Dad.

The words were from my parents who got them from theirs.


5/07/2007 04:08:00 PM

Blogger Ruth Anne Adams said...

Here's more on collywobbles. Which is not to be confused with "colliewobbles." All that gets you is a buncha websites about border collies.

5/12/2007 10:25:00 PM


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