The Adventures of Anne: a semi-retired bookkeeper, mother of 4, grandmother of several, recently widowed

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

More Up than down

Last week's bowling was a real downer. Tonight, I thought I really remembered what I was doing. We lost all points last week but won all points this week. Since we were tied with two other teams for first place, I knew we would stay there after tonight. Believe it or not, I bowled a neato 577, with games of 214, 177, and 186. If I had done some math earlier, I could have seen what I needed to break the 600 barrier again. Oh well, we still have a couple months left to bowl.

Stayed home from work yesterday and today because I was sneezing and blowing so much. My nose has finally dried up and I stopped sneezing. Will plan on making up the time at work on Thursday and Friday mornings. The BOSS okayed it.

Getting late. To bed.


Blogger Ruth Anne Adams said...

If you keep that up, you're gonna' have to raise your average. And then your senior citizen discount wouldn't apply when it comes to the handicapping.

I mean, who cares how old a broad she is if her real average is 185?

2/08/2007 02:48:00 PM

Blogger Peggy Gero DaValt said...

I am not sure, Ruth, that Mom's average ever was 185. If it were, she'd be on "Bowling with the Champs" on Channel 4.

Seriously, I think her best average was about 167.....

You'd better watch it or she'll drop that 16# bowling ball on your toes...*lol*

I don't know how a septuagenarian can throw that heavy a bowling ball....

Skill...I suspect....

2/09/2007 01:59:00 AM

Blogger Ruth Anne Adams said...

Peggy: I used the subjunctive tense, "if" her average is 185. Perhaps said bowler can clear this up. Mom: What was your highest average? Highest game? Highest series?

2/09/2007 09:44:00 AM

Blogger AnneGero said...

to settle any best average ever was 180, but that was only for a few weeks until I came back down to earth and bowled my usual way. The best game I ever bowled was 276!!! I was in a real daze. After Tuesday night's three games, my average was raised 3 points so now it is 150. The ball still weighs 16 pounds unless some of it has been worn off over these 50 plus years of using it.
I would have to look through years of records to find out what my highest series was, though I know it is over 600 because I am a member of the 600 Cluob of Columbus.

2/09/2007 10:52:00 PM


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