The Adventures of Anne: a semi-retired bookkeeper, mother of 4, grandmother of several, recently widowed

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Back from Bowling

Just back from the new alleys and did not bowl much more than my average, which is now 144. Lost first two games, won the third, so we only took 2 points of the 7 awarded each night. First game was 5 pins under average, other two were over average. The new alleys are very noisey and I usually come home with a slight headache. This may be my last year if they don't do something to abate the noise.

Tomorrow is Wednesday--Mass at the Care Center in the AM and BINGO there in the PM. Run errands before going out there in the AM. Keeps me out of mischief.

I made a pot of turkey noodle soup yesterday and the house smelled delicious!! Put some of it in the freezer for when (and if) we ever get cold weather. It is difficult to realize that this is winter--the weather has been so very mild. No snow on the ground, either.

Shopped at WalMart today. Bought a new watch band which I put on after bowling, some material to knit an afghan for Annie (purple, of course) and some of the black fuzzy material to knit a boa for myself. I had made one for Mary for Christmas, and I really like it.

Time to close for tonight. It is late.



Blogger Peggy Gero DaValt said...

Yeee Haw...."by George...I think she's GOT IT."

Way to go if you could bowl like ya'd have a 300 average!!

Glad you are keeping busy and becoming quite adept at the PC. Keep up the good work.

Peggy (the humble IT geekette)

1/03/2007 06:37:00 AM

Blogger Ruth Anne Adams said...

to knit a boa

Just so long as you don't make an asp for yourself!

1/03/2007 09:18:00 AM

Blogger AnneGero said...

The boa is finished and it it rather nice, if I do say so myself. Then I started in on Annie's prple afghan. Got a couple rows finished before retreating to the computer.

1/05/2007 10:43:00 PM


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